Rants, Musings and General Offenses from your favorite Live Paranormal Radio Show.
ParaWeeks in Review
1-30-09 and 2-6-09
Yes, I know, I missed last weeks ParaWeek. But you get a two-fer this week. Last week we had an amazing experience with Charles Peden talking about pets and his psychic connection with them, and we even have an update on that. He had mentioned to our caller (Ash's mom HA) that one of her cats was having a problem with her back teeth,so she took it in to get it checked and mentioned to the vet to check that and it turned out he was spot on once again. Last night we made a big announcement of our new co-hosts, that's right, plural. We announced that Mike Gorney that has been on the past few episodes with us will be joining us along with Jacqueline LeClair A.K.A. Jackie. Jackie was with us last night to perform an on air hypnosis with me. It was a very interesting feeling. It felt as if I was in the state between waking and sleeping where you hear everything that is going on around you but you are not quite awake. Only time will tell if it worked or not.
So what has been going on in the Paranormal news for the past couple of weeks? Look into that with our good friends at www.anomalist.com. It seems that Jennifer Love Hewitt has managed to make contact with her deceased grandmother. Sure you may be thinking "oh, Mark, she just has a show called Ghost Whisperer". Nope, real life ghost wisperer James Van Praagh (I always thought that was an unnecessary use of an extra "a") seems to have got her on the line and transferred her over to Jennifer. I can only imagine what the long distance bill will be. Also it appears that ParaFactor friend Adam Davies has returned from his expedition to The Himalayans in search of the Yeti for Monster Quest. It seems that there was some injury there, we won't go into how severe it may be, but we'll try to get him on the show to promote Monster Quest and maybe talk about the cum monkey again. Also it seems that there were twice as many UFO sightings in the UK with a whopping 285 for 2008 stomping all over 2007's count of 135.
We've got some great shows lined up for you in the next few weeks. Next Thursday the 12th we've got Frank Joseph coming on to talk about Atlantis and other lost civilizations, and on the 19th we've got P.M.H. Atwater on to talk about near death experiences! We're looking forward to it!